Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Animation showreel

The scent of doubt

Nagykáta-Erdőszőlő művésztelep, 2022

Braided Blocks

Gyergyószárhegy/ Lazarea International artcamp
 Transylvania, 2022

woodcut print series (30cmx30cm)

animation film based on woodcuts


60x60 cm, 2019, charcoal, pastel, tempera


coal drawing and computer animation, 2021

Inspired by T.S. Eliot's poem

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Hidden Heritage

anaglyph computer animation / 05:57 min / 2020

Watch the film here>> https://vimeo.com/398094076


There is an abandoned car standing in my grandmother's garden full of tree trunks.
This is an image from my childhood and it is still there today. Next to the car even a tree has grown
out from the ground during the years.
I am interested in genetics and affections of transgeneration. What we get from our grandparents and what becomes our heritage from our family through generations.

Why do I act the way I do? Does my behaviour contain some fragmented voices of my own heritage? Are my acts being lead by unconscious many times?


group exhibition in Japan
Art Space MoritakaYa in Iwaki city, Fukushima 
04.04-04.26, 2020

Watch virtual exhibition here>> Reflection


group exhibition in Japan
Art Spot Korin Gallery, Kyoto
03.24-04.05, 2020

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

MASTO- Le Gros Chat Roux 
[solo album mastOctopus]
Archives de la Zone Mondiale 2018

06:00 min animated videoclip

Saturday, September 15, 2018




    "Waiting for crossing"                                                                             
    "Meaningful coincidence"
     acryl on canvas, 70x100 cm


Monday, September 4, 2017

Searching for signs...
painting/computer animation

Nagykáta- Erdőszőlő International artcamp 2017 
The 2 weeks symposium's theme was"MAZE"

I searched for some core elements in the artcamp (wild tobacco, shower, internet connection or flys).
Water, smoke, sound, color, smell, etc... can be signs in a labirynth.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Cyber paradise / Expanding tomato
Kiber éden / Táguló paradicsom

Erőszőlő International artcamp 2016 Hungary

MAMÜ Galéria Budapest 2016


Fresh Winds International Festival
Gardur / Iceland / Lighthouse

This short animation is based on the idea and installation by Philippe de Potestad.

Thursday, January 28, 2016


Fresh Winds International Festival
Gardur / Iceland / Lighthouse

Izlandi babonák és misztikák jelennek meg Gardur városában!
 Icelandic superstitions and myths appearing in Gardur!

One of icelandic beliefs that Eve hid her unwashed and dirty children from God and lied about their existence. God knew that he was being tricked and declared, "Those who you hide from me shall also be hidden from men." And so, the hidden children became invisible, taking to the hills and rocks. Hidden People can only be seen by human eyes if they want to be. You never know if you are talking to a hidden person or not.

03:30 min animation film 

Ebben a világítótoronyban vetíthettem az animációt
I could screen the animation in this Lighthouse

Yadigar (Remembrance)

Yalova International Art Biennale

Babonák sorozat 2014/ Superstition series  
animációk és nyomatok / animation and prints

Wien, 2015

 Le Génie de la Bastille Gallery
Paris, 2014